Mop the mats
[Never be too big to do the small things]
No matter your success, stay humble and commit to the little things that help the team move forward.
Fail Early, Fail Often
[Take chances and success will follow]
Have the confidence to try new things and work on areas where you feel weak. We can only grow if we know where we are struggling.
Take the shot
[When you are on top of your game, change your game]
It is the philosophy and focus on continual improvement and continuous learning environment that is at the core of the Spartan culture. When you’re on top of your game, change your game. Adaptation is not a reaction, but an everyday action.
Even when at the pinnacle of success, look to do better.
Keep a blue head
[Control your attention]
It is easy in a fight to have a roller coaster of emotions. In your toughest moments, keep a “blue head”. One decision can decide the outcome of a match, as it can the outcome of a business situation. Avoiding poor decision making under pressure is vital.
Pressure is expectation, scrutiny and consequence. Under pressure, your thinking can be diverted. Bad decisions are made because of an inability to handle pressure at a pivotal moment.
Stay calm and in control of the fight.
Fight with a purpose
[Ask “Why?”]
No matter which mat you step on, step in and fight with a purpose. Practice with the same intent as a match. Our fundamental human drive comes from within, from intrinsic rather than extrinsic motivations. The power of purpose galvanises individuals, and alignment in group behaviours.
What is your purpose?
Create a learning environment
[Leaders are teachers]
Help those around you. Build them up so they can challenge you. A successful practice is when you can leave knowing that you helped at least one person leave better than they arrived.
Embrace expectations
[Aim high]
We’re here to help you become the best person you can be on and off the mat. You’re always capable of more than you give yourself credit for and we’re here to guide you to reach that. Embrace the challenges you’re faced with.
A culture of expectation enables the asking and re-asking fundamental questions, in order to achieve clarity. Humility allows us to ask a simple question: how can we do better?
Go Forward! Recast your challenges into proactive goals. You have to be pro-active at all times, taking risks and responsibilities is one of the many skills you learn from wrestling. This sounds militaristic, but at its core it is true. Wrestling, at the end of the day, is a contest of strength, skill and intelligence.
Judge yourself against the best, create for yourself a narrative of extreme, even unrealistic ambitions and benchmark yourself to the ultimate. Make it an epic of what is possible.
Train to Win
[Practice under pressure]
Every time that you step on the mat you are there to win the fight. This doesn’t mean you have 110% intensity every time. It means you treat a practice like a tournament and leave at least 1% better each day.
One match
[The only important match is the next one]
It doesn’t matter what has happened in the past. The only match you can control is the next one. Focus on your plan and how you are going to control that match.
Know thyself
[Be honest in your journal and stay true to your goals]
Set ‘SMART’ goals around what you want to achieve. Even world champions lose matches. Keep the big picture in mind.
Create the culture that you want to be a part of
[Plant the trees that you will never see]
The Spartan culture was established by protecting the soldier to your side and fighting as a single unit. The Spartan Shield was their most prized possession. It symbolised teamwork and victory. Our culture is built by your actions on and off the mat. Set an example for those coming up behind you.
Don’t be obnoxious
[Follow the Golden Rule]
Excuse the language but it conveys the point. Wrestling may look like an individual sport from the outside looking in but we rely on the whole team to get you to the next level. You can develop talent but you cannot change character.
Individual commitment to a group effort is what makes a team work. Connect with one another and strive towards a common goal.
[What are you willing to commit?] Champions give the extra, discretionary effort and sacrifice it takes to do something extraordinary. Give your best, treading water is drowning.
What is the extra that will make your team extraordinary?
The Bronze standard
[Don’t give up, turn up the pressure]
The hardest medal to win is a Bronze medal. It is easy to give up when there is no chance to become the champion. Fight for that Bronze medal in everything you do in life and you will forever be a champion.
Write your legacy
[This is your time, The script of your future is yours to write]
We can’t change the past. We can control the steps which we take to write the next chapter in our journey.