One Sport Policy
During the time period of January 24th, 2022 to April 1st, 2022 that Wrestling practices will take priority. This is the championship part of the season and all though Spartan Wrestling promotes the values of being a multi sport athlete, this part of the season (especially for athletes competing at the City, Provincial or National Championships) must commit to wrestling and their academic studies.
Calgary Spartan Wrestling Club prides itself on being a huge proponent for multi-sport athletes. We are very reasonable with flexible schedules that allow athletes to compete in multiple sports at the same time. We encourage this too, if you are good with time management and staying up to date in your school work! We realize too that the Wrestling season spans 8 months whereas normal teams only compete for 3-4 months. We ask that athletes show us the respect on making Wrestling the priority during our championship season (Jan 24, 2022 to April 1st, 2022). Please note that this does not supersede our school team policy.
[…] and will have a more strict training schedule. These athletes must commit to one sport (See Policy here) from January to April, for our training purposes. It is a privilege to compete at the National […]