2024/2025 Season Prep

Hi everyone, I hope you’re all enjoying the start to the summer. I’m going to be getting together all the information sorted as best as possible over the next four days for what next season looks like. 


We’re looking forward to building on the great year we had. We have some changes that will be taking place that hopefully will make for a more enjoyable experience for the parents and athletes. 


We will be adding an all girls program for grades 6-12 to help create a more comfortable environment for new athletes to come try our sport. 


We will also be adding a second location in the North and in the South to help get our athletes home earlier in the evening to prevent burn out and hopefully give more time for homework and studying. 


Early Bird Pricing

We will be offering early registration discounts to have funds collected in time for our October start date. It is our hope that this helps families plan and prepare, and save a bit of money, as well as gives us an opportunity to pay for the facilities first thing when we are able to in September. Just an aside for any one who isn’t aware, but our club is funded solely on membership fees and the City of Calgary requires payment for the facility contract 30 days before the start of the contract. 


The discounts we’re offering will be valid through the following dates as long as the registration form is filled out and payment is received.


Past Members only [closed to public] 25% off (July 5-19)

20% off Super Early Bird Pricing (July 20 – Aug 5)

10% off Early Bird Pricing (Aug 6 – Aug 25)

Regular Registration (Aug 26 – Sept. 20)



This year I will be sending out an invoice for each family. Once you are able to fill out the registration forms for each athlete I will send a combined invoice. This will hopefully help streamline the process as it will allow families to pay via credit card, as well as provide a detailed invoice for tax purposes. 



I am still fine tuning the links that are listed in the document but aim to have those live within a day or two. The registration form can be found here. https://forms.gle/q1Jx5csHrZWZm4eZA


As I get each document I will be emailing out this information this week so we can be on top of everything for the fall. 


Thanks in advance and we are looking forward to a great season!

Cody Fairburn

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